G. G. Kellner is a writer, an artist, a poet, and an educator. Her major focus over the last few years is the completion of her book Hope, A History of the Future in which she envisions a world seven generations into the future in which we have solved the major social, political and environmental crisis of our time. 

Her essays, letters, and poems have appeared in Utne Magazine, Orion Magazine, The Loop, The Beachcomber, and The Nature of an Island. Her most recent publications include the poem "Instructions: On Getting Ready to Die."  It can be seen on line at everywritersresource.com and her essay How to be Mistaken As an Islander was recently published in the collection, "The Heart of Vashon."  

G.G. Kellner’s paintings and sculptures have been shown at Lopez Library, the Blue Heron Center for the Arts, and the Barnworks. Her work in stone has been shown at the International Museum of the Horse in Lexington Kentucky. She designed the block prints incorporated into the interior design of the Hope: A History of the Future.

G.G. Kellner lives on an island in the Salish Sea. She spends most of her time writing, reading, working on artistic interests in painting and sculpture and walking the beaches and forests of her island home with her dog.

Hope, A History of the Future is available now everywhere books are sold including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and BookShop.